DD Scientific (UK), a leading manufacturer of electrochemical gas sensors
has recently launched a low cost, high performance range of sensors
designed to meet the needs of cark park monitoring. There is increasing
interest in the cost savings that can be made by ensuring that
ventilation systems are only operational when required – to do this, it
is essential to measure gases such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen
dioxide which occur in underground car parks.
These pollutants only appear when vehicles are moving inside the car
park, if they are not present then the ventilation can safely be shut
off. The reduction in energy usage by operating the systems only when
required can be significant over the operational life of the ventilation
To meet the demand for accurate gas sensing in such systems, DD
Scientific has developed two sensors for the key target gases; carbon
monoxide and nitrogen dioxide. The sensors provide robust and reliable
detection over five years and have been optimised so as to deliver this
performance at an extremely affordable cost. The sensors are already in
use in car park applications and have been tested to be compliant with
relevant industrial standards such as EN50545-1.
Their simplified design allows for easy integration with electronic
monitoring equipment and their excellent long term drift characteristics
reduce the frequency of calibration to the point where they can be
considered ‘fit and forget’. For both gas types, the sensor can be
supplied with an extra internal reference electrode that allows higher
gas concentrations to be measured as well as providing additional
temperature stability.
To learn more about these and other exciting releases from DD
Scientific’s development team, please contact a member of the sales
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