
New blood alcohol sensors could make cars shut down if they sense drivers are over the legal drinking limit

Blood alcohol sensor  technology might cause cars to shut down if they sense drivers are over the legal blood alcohol limit, it has been revealed.

A video showcasing the technology that is being researched by the Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety (DADSS) was published Thursday to YouTube.

Breath-based and touch-based sensors could be employed in vehicles.

The breath-based system, the clip explains, could measure alcohol molecules in the driver's breath.

For the other option, the video's narration says 'This touch-based system uses near-infrared tissue spectroscopy to detect the level of alcohol in the blood.

'Alcohol absorbs specific wavelengths light. By measuring the light's intensity, the system can precisely pinpoint the driver's blood alcohol level.'

For both sensors, if the driver's blood alcohol is higher than .08 - which is the legal limit - the car will stay put, according to the video.

On the NHTSA website, the agency says 'The Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety, or DADSS, program is a collaborative research partnership between the Automotive Coalition for Traffic Safety (ACTS), representing 17 automobile manufacturers, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to assess and develop alcohol-detection technologies to prevent vehicles from being driven when a driver's blood alcohol concentration (BAC) BAC exceeds the legal limit of 0.08 percent.'

