I have prepared nanocrystalline TiO2 powder and I am looking for gas sensor applications.
Firstly, most of the gas sensors are specified only for a certain
temperature. Since cooling is more difficult, the heating temperature is
set well above room temperature in order to be sure that the simple
Joule-heating does the job.
Secondly, the gas sensor itself needs to be water-free. Usually, all
objects at room temperature (or lower) around us are covered with a
multi-molecular H2O-film, coming from the air humidity and sticking on
the surface due to the high polarity of the H2O-molecule. In heating,
you get rid of that, like baking of ultrahigh-vacuum chambers.
The key process in the response of the semiconductor to a reducing gas
involves the modulation of the concentration of adsorbed oxygen species.
By withdrawing electron density from the semiconductor surface,
adsorbed oxygen gives rise to Schottky potential barriers at grain
boundaries, and thus increases the resistance of the sensor surface.
Reducing gases decrease the surface oxygen concentration and thus
decrease the sensor resistance. The temperature dependence of this
process arises in part from the differing stabilities of the surface
oxygen species over different temperature ranges. The different gases
have characteristic optimum oxidation temperatures, and therefore give
rise to characteristic conductance temperature profiles, which can be
modified by doping the semiconductor with noble metals or other
catalytic materials.
most gas sensor is built from materials and these materials have maximum
working temperature to detect the gases, so increasing the temperature
of detecting materials to the best sensitivity like ZnO is has very good
sensitivity at 200C for methane gas so they using heater to increase
the ZnO temperature to 200 C to be always at maximum sensitivity. this
type of work cause the draw back the sensitivity of sensor with time and
can effect on the accuracy of detector
Generally metal oxide based gas sensors operate at relatively higher
temperatures to facilitate the chemical reaction to produce the sensor
response (as endothermic chemical reaction requires some activation
energy that can be provided in form of heat) and to reduce the effects
of humidity.
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