Hi, I am building an automated brewing system for home brew beer. It will
be controlled via an Arduino and network interface. I am using 15 gallon
stainless steel kegs as brewing vessels. What is the best method or type of liquid level sensor to use to accurately detect liquid levels in the kegs? The liquid won’t
be water alone, and all three vessels will be heated. I was thinking of using
an external sight glass + a pressure sensor of some kind. Maybe someone in the
Make community has a better idea or has done this before?
I have been a Make subscriber for the last two years(since I found out
about you guys) keep up the great work!
Thanks Brett! So, you want to measure the level of a liquid in a tank.
These are some of the ways that I can think of to do this:
- Capacitive: Measure difference in dielectric constant between air and water
- Differential pressure measurement: Measure pressure at bottom of liquid
- Optical: Use an array of light sensors to sense where liquid is/isn’t
- Float:
Put a float on a stick, then measure the displacement of the stick
- Weight:
Weigh the liquid, and calculate volume based on density
- Conductivity: Measure liquid conductivity at a few discrete points
Out of these options, what would be best? I think for your project, the
best way to go is probably to use a differential pressure sensor, like
you suggested. It seems like it would be the most reliable and least invasive
method. Also, it just so happens that the folks who wrote the Practical Arduino
book have a Water Tank Depth Sensor project that might be a good starting
If you only want an approximation of the amount of liquid in a tank, a
simpler way to go would be to test for conductivity at a few points along the
side of the tank. You wouldn’t be able to sense the exact amount of liquid
present, but it would be a fine way to check if the tank is half-full or not.
The folks at electronics labs built a single-point Water level
detector using a PIC microcontroller, which could be expanded to
measure multiple points
Capacitive sensors might work, but might be hard to set up in a metal
tank. Optical sensors work the same way as the conductivity sensors, and would
be more expensive, so they probably aren’t worth the trouble. A float could
potentially work, but could get gummed up by hops or dead yeast, so it might be
unreliable. The weight sensor could also work, but I think it might be tricky
to keep it calibrated.