
Note 3: Barometer sensor problem. Just me?

Pictures paint a thousand words. As can be seen above I have been getting unusual readings from the barometer sensor on my new note 3. I have run the self test on the barometer sensor and it passed. This is not surprising since the odd readings are intermittent. I am obviously using the app SyPressure, but have also had spurious readings from other barometer capturing apps as well. At this stage I have no idea whether this is a hardware  or software issue or if the sensor is still calibrating. This all worked fine on my Note 2. Also these reading were when the phone was just sitting on the table in one place, not when the phone was on the move in any way.

I wanted to ask if there are any other Note 3 barometer users out there who have had anything like this or is it just me, i.e a hardware fault on my device?

Obviously I am also interested if anyone else is using SyPressure or another app that stores the barometer readings on their note and not having a problem. This will be evidence that it is a hardware issue just with my Note 3.


Device: Note 3 - GT-N9005 brought sim-free unlocked.

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