
UV SENSOR PROBES Catalog | Industry sourcing UV sensors

The applications of UV Sensors are quite varied and therefore the required sensitivity, environmental endurance, spectral response, field of view and electronic output interface must be tailored for individual conditions of use.

This publication presents a variety of different UV Sensors covering a broad range of industrial and scientific UV Sensor applications.

All of the probes are amplified and shielded against electromagnetic interference.

The sensors ar based on Silicon Carbide (SiC) UV photodiodes, which guarantees highest radiation hardness, long term stability and >105 visible blindness (ratio of UV to Vis-IR sensitivity).

Please find at page 5 an individual four step configuration procedure which allows the prospective user to select among different probe mechanical designs (STEP 1), to select the correct spectral response (STEP 2), different output types (STEP 3) and to select a sensitivity range (STEP 4). Please feel invited to contact us for assistance.

ISweek(http://www.isweek.com/)- Industry sourcing & Wholesale industrial products 

