We all know
that sometimes we will need to change our tyres, brakes, oil, and many other
parts of our cars at some point but you not know that even our Co2 sensor will
require changing out from time to time as well. All modern cars will have a Co2
sensor that is comprised of a Co2 sensor module which are developed by leading
manufacturers. These sensors help the engines in our cars run more efficiently
and also to help our engines produce fewer emissions.
An Co2 sensor
is responsible for sensing how much oxygen is being used when the engine burns
gasoline. There has to be a perfect mix of air and gasoline for the engine and
car to function optimally and to omit fewer emissions.
So how do we
know when our Co2 sensors are starting to let us and our cars down? Follow the
four tips below that show you just when it might be time to replace your
sensor. The sensor might not be to blame all of the time but if you experience
the following issues, taking a look at your Co2 sensor would be a good idea.
If you notice
that you are suddenly getting a lot less fuel mileage than usual, there is a
good chance that this is because of a faulty Co2 sensor that is allowing the
air-fuel mixture in the engine to become too rich.
If the engine
light on your dashboard starts flashing, there is a very good chance that this
could be down to a faulty Co2 sensor. There are of course other reasons as to
why the light starts to flash but it is always worth checking the sensor to see
if this might be the reason.
If your car
fails to pass a smog test then there is a 50/50 chance that this is down to the
Co2 sensor. In fact, around 50% of cars that fail smog tests are found to have
faulty sensors.
Even the cars
poor performance can be attributed to a faulty C02 sensor. Constant stalling,
random hesitation when accelerating and rough idling can all be put down to a
bad sensor in certain circumstances.
If you
experience any of the problems above then you might just discover that the Co2
sensor is to blame. All sensors will need replacing at some point anyway, as
with most other components in a car. These types of components will each have
their own certain lifespan and will suffer from wear and tear just like
anything else.
However, you
can increase the lifespan of Co2 sensors by purchasing them from leading
manufacturers that are renowned for the durability and quality of their