
Series PAFS-1000 averaging airflow sensors from Dwyer Instruments for use in HVAC systems

Dwyer Instruments now offers series PAFS-1000 averaging airflow sensors for sensing differential pressure in the inlet section of variable air volume terminal units and fan terminal units, or to sense differential pressure at other locations in the main or branch duct systems.

The "H" port on these airflow sensors senses total pressure and the "L" port senses static pressure. The difference between these signals is the differential, or velocity pressure.

Models PAFS-1002 to PAFS-1005 of these sensors can be supplied with up to four sensing points and lengths of 3-5/32" to 9-29/32" (8.02 to 25.26 cm), to accommodate box size diameters of 4" to 16" (10.16 to 40.64 cm) are available.

For models PAFS-1006 to PAFS -1011, up to 10 sensing points and lengths from 12-1/2" to 23-29/32" (31.75 to 60.72 cm) are available to accommodate appropriately sized duct dimensions.

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