In this paper we present a compact technological demonstrator including
on the same glass substrate an electrowetting-on-dielectrics (EWOD)
system, a linear array of amorphous silicon photosensor and a
capillary-driven microfluidic channel. The proposed system comprises
also a compact modular electronics controlling the digital microfluidics
through the USB interface of a computer. The system provides therefore
both on-chip detection and microfluidic handling needed for the
realization of a ‘true’ Lab-on-Chip.
The geometry of the photosensors has been designed to maximize the
radiation impinging on the photosensor and to minimize the inter-site
crosstalk, while the fabrication process has been optimized taking into
account the compatibility of all the technological steps for the
fabrication of the EWOD system, the photosensor array and the
microfluidics channels.
As a proof of the successful integration of the different technological
steps we demonstrated the ability of the a-Si:H photosensors to detect
the presence of a droplet over an EWOD electrode and the effective
coupling between the digital and the continuous microfluidics, that can
allow for functionalization, immobilization and recognition of
biomolecules without external optical devices or microfluidic
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