An indoor optical positioning technique using a differentialphotosensor device is presented. The method is based on angle of arrival
information estimated by the differential photosensor in an indoor environment
with fixed optical beacons.
A photocurrent is generated by each of the three photodiodes
in the photosensor by incident light from the optical beacons. The amplitudes
of these photocurrents are a function of the incident angle of the light.
Previously derived equations that express photocurrent amplitudes as a function
of the azimuthal arrival angle, φ, and the polar arrival angle, θ, are modeled
with second- and third-order polynomials, respectively, to determine the φ and
θ angles from measured photocurrents.
Testing with optical beacons in various positions with
respect to a fixed photosensor resulted in a root mean squared error for all
estimated angles φ and θ of 2.8°. A positioning accuracy of better than 4 cm is